
Hi there. I am Chair and Professor of the Philosophy Department at the University of Kentucky.

I specialize in metaphysics and ontology. I think about what there is, parts and wholes, composition, constitution, and modality. I am especially fond of exploring transworldism, the view that ordinary objects such as tables and chairs are transworld sums of modal parts. I do not (yet) go so far as to claim that this view is true, but I certainly think it is worth our time trying to figure out why not.

I also work at the intersection of metaphysics, mind, and language – in particular, mental fictionalism, the view that we are (or should be) fictionalists about mental content.

You can access some of my work here, or my PhilPeople page here.

On campus, you can often find me flipping around in the Circus Lab, using the circus arts to magic-trick people into loving philosophy. I’m also the faculty advisor for the University of Kentucky’s newly created circus clubCircus Cats (more info here and here). If you are interested in or curious about circus – even if you have no experience – check us out! All UK students, undergraduates and graduates, faculty, and staff are welcome.

Off-duty, I hang out with my partner and our two boys, running, gardening, and making and cleaning up messes.

CONTACT: I can be reached at meg dot wallace at uky dot edu.

Our summer garden 2023