I primarily teach M&E and logic, introductory to advanced.
Our metaphysics and epistemology (M&E) series – PHI 100, 350, and 550 – involves questions concerning the fundamental nature of reality, what we know, and how we can know it. Are things the way that you think that they are? Are you looking at a screen, reading these words? Or are you just having a really boring dream? How can you tell the difference? We also explore issues involving personal identity, free will, metaphysics of time, puzzles of ordinary objects, persistence, and possible worlds. Students can expect the topics to get more detailed and complex in the higher course numbers.
Our logic series – PHI 120, 320, and 520 – concerns the study of what follows from what. We cover informal arguments and general reasoning in the early levels, moving to classical sentential and predicate symbolic logic in the mid-levels, and finally non-classical, modal, and non-bivalent logic at the higher levels.
I also occasionally teach PHI 315: Philosophy and Science Fiction, a course designed to introduce a variety of philosophical topics through science fiction: short stories, novels, TV shows, movies, and video games. A heads up: this class is a lot of fun and I’m usually annoyingly enthusiastic about it. (It also allows me do cool things like be part of this tourism ad to aliens with the City of Lexington.)
One of my more innovative classes is PHI 193: Circus and Philosophy, a course that combines physical movement, performance, and the circus arts with philosophical study. This class take place in the Circus Lab.
If you are interested in any of my course syllabi, please reach out (meg dot wallace at uky dot edu). I love sharing and talking about course design.
- PHI 100: Introduction to Philosophy – Knowledge and Reality
- PHI 120: The Art of Thinking – An Introduction to Logic
- PHI 193: Circus and Philosophy (more info)
- PHI 315: Philosophy and Science Fiction (Honors and Non-Honors)
- PHI 320: Symbolic Logic I
- PHI 520: Symbolic Logic II
- PHI 350: Problems of Knowledge and Reality (M&E I)
- PHI 550: Problems of Knowledge and Reality (M&E II)
- PHI 515: The Analytic Turn
- PHI 650: Graduate Seminar – Fictionalism
- PHI 650: Graduate Seminar – Space, Time, and Possible Worlds
- PHI 650: Graduate Seminar – Paradoxes
- PHI 680: Graduate Seminar – Unity
- PHI 740: Graduate Proseminar on Teaching Methods
- PHI 741: Graduate Proseminar on M&E